ECE 312 ECE312 Week 4 Leadership and Management – Online Homework Help

ECE 312 Week 4 Assignment Leadership and Management / Administration of Early Childhood Education Programs
Leadership and Management. Early childhood administrators need to be well-versed in standards set by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Having comprehensive knowledge of these standards will help to ensure a quality early childhood program. Review the article, “Overview of the NAEYC Early Childhood Program Standards” with particular attention to Standard 10: Leadership and Management.
Excellent programming requires effective governance structures, competent and knowledgeable leadership, as well as comprehensive and well-functioning administrative policies, procedures, and systems. Effective leadership and management create the environment for high-quality care and education by:
  1. Ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and guidelines
  2. Promoting fiscal soundness, program accountability, effective communication, helpful consultative services, positive community relations, and comfortable and supportive workplaces.
  3. Maintaining stable staff; and
  4. Instituting ongoing program planning and career development opportunities for staff as well as continuous program improvement.
    You are the director of your own childcare center. Using Standard #10 in “Overview of the NAEYC Early Childhood Program Standards” as a guide, create an eight- to ten-slide PowerPoint presentation to share with your staff, demonstrating the following NAEYC points:
    1. Effective communication
      o Explain how you will effectively communicate with your staff.
    2. Comfortable and supportive workplaces
      o Describe how you will create a comfortable and supportive workplace for your staff.
    3. Career development opportunities for staff
      o Discuss how you will create professional development opportunities for your staff.
    4. Hiring and retention
      o Explain how you will attract and retain quality staff members.
    Your eight- to ten-slide PowerPoint presentation (in addition to your title and reference slides) should:
    • Creatively address the material including graphics, visuals, charts, graphs, and/or sound;
    • Be designed to clearly and concisely address the material;
    • Be formatted according to APA style, including the title slide, reference slide, and in-text
    • Utilize the notes section of the PowerPoint to expand on the presented points. These notes
      would be your talking points when presenting this to your staff; and
    • Use at least one scholarly source in addition to the course text.


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